
About Tiree Map

This mobile website/app is brought to you by An Iodhlann Tiree's Historical Centre, and is funded by the Scottish Digital Research and Development Fund for Arts and Culture.

Feedback is very much appreciated. Please email to

The map includes historical information arranged by major sites, and Gaelic names for key features so you can practice your Gaelic! In addition, it can track your location on Tiree and has key tourist sites, so act as a mini-sat-nav.


Many thanks to the following for use of images and donation of artefacts to An Iodlhann.

Ian & Fiona MacLeod, Argyll & Bute Archives, Argyll Paper - Inveraray Castle, Ian & Su Atkins, Anneen Black, John Bowler, Ailean Boyd, Ian L Boyd, Mairi Brady, British Lending Library, Alasdair Brown, Donald Brown, Eric Brown, Marjory Brown, Neil Brownlie, Peggy Cameron, Grace Campbell, Mairi Campbell, Margaret Campbell, Pat Campbell, Michael Conway, Catriona Cowling, Les Crawte, Mhairi Crookston, Mary Davies, Edinburgh Public Library, Claudia Ferguson-Smyth, Ian Fisher, John Fletcher, Alexandra Fountaine, Derek Fox, Glenda Franklin, AJ Gallier, Michael Gibson, Eddie Gillespie, Richard Gleed-Owen, Linda Gowans, Robert & Jessie Gray, Hebridean Trust, Robert Higham, George Holleyman, Henry Howland, Mike Hughes, Jean Inglis, Brian Jackson, Clare Jones, Annie Kennedy, Cameron Kennedy, Meena Knapman, Magnus Laird, Jean Lindsay, Ailig MacArthur, Alasdair MacArthur, Lachie MacArthur, Mary MacArthur, Neil MacArthur, David MacClounnan, Nan MacClounnan, Christine MacDonald, Ishobel MacDonald, John MacDonald, Lachie MacDonald, Margaret MacDonald, Mary Ann MacDonald, Murdo MacDonald, Charles MacDonell, Nonaidh MacFadyen, Peggy MacFarlane, Duncan MacInnes, Janet MacIntosh, Donald MacIntyre, Johnny MacKenzie, Archie MacKinnon, Colin MacKinnon, Donald MacKinnon, Elsie MacKinnon, Fiona MacKinnon, Flora MacKinnon, Iain MacKinnon, Johann MacKinnon, John MacKinnon, Malcolm MacKinnon, Neil MacKinnon, Rona MacKinnon, Sandy MacKinnon, Alec MacLean, Angus MacLean, Archie John MacLean, Colin MacLean, Donald Archie MacLean, Doris MacLean, Duncan MacLean, Flora MacLean, Hugh MacLean, Hugh Archie MacLean, Nan MacLean, Ronnie MacLean, Charlie MacLeish, Andrew MacLeod, Alistair MacNeill, Flora MacPhail, Hector MacPhail, Fiona Maxwell, Catriona McLeod, Ann Milne, Nannette Mitchell, Angus Munn, Fiona Munn, Sheila Naismith Ramsay, Evelyn O'Flynn, Cathy Omand, Rosemary Omand, Geoff Pringle, RCAHMS, Wallace Robertson, Judy Simpson, Ian Sinclair, Bernie Smith, Catriona Smyth, Cathie Thomson, Iseabal Thomson, Tiree High School, Anthony Vaughan, Christian & Ann Verstraete, Alec Walker, Alastair Warrington, John Watson, Billy Whiteside, Janet Wilson, Derrick Wolstencroft, Rachel Wylie,



Getting around

You have already found this page, so have managed to navigate the main menu, simply press the page you want to get to. Every page has a 'Menu' button at the top left, so you can always get back to the main menu.

News and Twitter feed pages

News and Twitter feeds update when the applicaton is active and there is sufficient network connectivity. Tiree has poor mobile network connectivity, so it is likely to be only when you are in reach of WiFi that these will update. Once new news or tweets have been downloaded they will be available when offline.

Map - Basic controls

  • Zoom in and out using the +/- buttons at the bottom left.
  • Move about the map by dragging it with your finger (or mouse).
  • Switch GPS location on/off using the 'compass' icon to the right of the zoom buttons.

Map - Tourist Information

  • The main beaches are marked with a wind surf symbol.
  • Parking is marked with a circled P - but please check signs on the ground to ensure you are in the right place.
  • Ballinoe Campsite - shower block and toilet. Contact Willie Angus MacLean on 07712 159205
  • Other overnight Motorhome parking. Whilst wild camping is allowed for small tents, motorhomes must park in an approved location - please contact the Tiree Access Officer on 07765 449487
  • Eating and sleeping places
  • Community buildings

Map - Historic

  • Touch the green names for historical information from the archives - a list of items then appears
  • The lists of items can be scrolled with your finger.
  • Touch an item to get more information.
  • If you zoom to the most detailed maps, Gaelic names of significant features will be shown.


News will update here when connected.



Stream for @AnIodlann will update here when connected.



FAQ will update here when connected.


Debug Page

This is a debug page, please ignore if you got here by accident and return to the menu.


Tiree Map


Crossapol: centre of the island

George Paterson and his family at Crossapol in 1937 Born in Pataginia, George's father brought him back to Tiree at the age of seven.



Tiree Map

Please click 'Map' button at the top of this page.

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