Tiree Map - Android Installation

Note: installing a web app on the desktop varies between versions of Android. The steps below work on v2.3.6, with a variant for older browser. Do let us know if this is different on your phone (twc2012@whereweare.org).

Step 1

Start by navigating the Android web browser (app called 'Internet' with globe icon) to the app: http://whereweare.org/tiree/rel1/m

Then press the 'menu' button to the left of the 'home' button (on some phones this only appears when touched!


menu button

Step 2

At the bottom of the screen, below the web app, you will see a menu of options. You are probably familar with this, the same menu you use for bookmarking or refreshing a web page.


the menu appears

Step 3

Select the 'More' option. This is at the bottom right in the photo, but may be on a different place on different phones.


select 'More'

Step 4

This then shows a larger menu. From this select "Add shortcut to Home"


Android 2.2.2: On this and presumably other 2.2 versions, there is not an option "Add shortcut to Home". Instead do the following:

select 'Add shortcut to Home'

Step 5

The Tiree Map app will then appear as an icon on your Android desktop :-)

Simply select this whenever you want to use the app.

Tiree Map app now on the desktop